Hoote is a new voice-based social media platform, launched by film star Rajinikanth. The app has been founded by his daughter Soundarya Rajinikanth, as a voice-based social platform. Currently this app supports eight languages, which includes both Indian and foreign. Hoote supports Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali and Gujarati as Indian languages.
Features of Hoote
Hoote has been designed in such a way that users will be able to send messages by speaking itself i.e. without typing anything. In other words, Hoote is a voice note app. Once a voice note is recorded, user will be able to add music and images as per their preferences. The Hoote app can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store. You have to register before using the app. In the app, you will be able to follow celebrities like Rajinikanth, Gautam Gambhir, news channels, politicians. Voice notes present in the app can be played and paused easily. In this, options like reply, Re-Post and Re-Share will be available.
Users of the Hoote app will be able to record a voice note of up to 60 seconds. Captions, background music and images can be added after recording. For music, options like Emotion, Environmental, Nature, Religious and Native will be available. There is also an option to turn off comments in the Hoote app. Maximum 120 words option will be available for caption.